Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm baaack!!

It’s been a long time since I have posted anything but I was really trying to take a brake from the online world and ‘disconnect.’ I felt like I was becoming too interested in what others were doing that I almost stopped doing anything myself. I was checking Facebook way too much and spent hours online when I could have been out doing ‘real’ things. Am I making sense? I hope so.

Either way, I feel like I’m in a better place. Yes, I still have a Facebook account but I don’t sign on often and when I do I’m a bit more reserved. I’m more thoughtful of what I post or how I comment on other peoples’ statuses. I have started to delete people that, quite honestly, I don’t really care about – not trying to sound cruel here. I felt like a lot of people were becoming too nasty or were just complaining all the time. I know it’s healthy to vent every once in a while, but it was just too much that I was becoming annoyed with those persons.

I heard that Facebook can ruin your perceptions on people and turn you against people you once liked, and now I get it. To prevent myself from disliking certain persons even more I either have to delete them all together, or just hide their posts so I only check in on them because I want to know how they are doing and not because they are overtaking my newsfeed.   

I’m just saying.